
Dev CLI npx jamsocket dev

Use Jamsocket's Dev CLI for faster local development. The Dev CLI

  • automatically watches and rebuilds session backend docker images as you develop
  • runs a dev server that emulates Jamsocket's spawn and status APIs
  • streams statuses and logs from your session backend to the terminal

Running the Dev CLI

Running the Dev CLI is as easy as running npx jamsocket dev with the flag -f that specifies the Dockerfile that should be built. In most instances, you'll also want to supply the -w flag that watches a file or directory to automatically rebuild your code on save.

npx jamsocket dev -f ./Dockerfile -w .

Available flags: -c, --context=<value> Path to the build context for the Dockerfile (defaults to current working directory) -f, --dockerfile=<value> Path to the session backend's Dockerfile -i, --[no-]interactive Enables/Disables TTY iteractivity. (Defaults to true) -p, --port=<value> The port to run the dev server on. (Defaults to 8080) -w, --watch=<value>... A file or directory to watch for changes --[no-]style-log-output Styles log output from session backends for better readability. (Defaults to true)

Use npx jamsocket dev --help for more info.

Optional: Create a jamsocket.config.json file

Optionally use a jamsocket.config.json to configure your Dev CLI instead of passing flags.


If you supply configuration instructions via flags, it will override or take the place of the jamsocket.config.json.

Create a jamsocket.config.json file in the directory where you run the dev command. Provide the following parameters:

  • dockerfile - specify the path to the Dockerfile that buids your session backend code.
  • dockerOptions - an object that contains extra options for Docker (optional)
    • path - optionally specify the path to the docker build context (defaults to the current working directory)
  • watch - optionally specify array of paths to watch for changes and automatically build your session backend code. If a watch array isn't specified, the Dev CLI will not rebuild on changes.
  • port - optionally specify port to run the dev server on (defaults to 8080)

For example:

  "dockerfile": "./src/session-backend/Dockerfile",
  "dockerOptions": { "path": "./src/session-backend" }, // optional
  "watch": ["./src/session-backend"], // optional
  "port": 8888 // optional, defaults to 8080


Given a Dockerfile that looks like this:

FROM node:18
COPY . .
RUN npm install
CMD ["node", "main.js"]

And a config that looks like this:

  "dockerfile": "./src/session-backend/Dockerfile",
  "watch": ["./src/session-backend"],
  "port": 8080

Running npx jamsocket dev will start a Jamsocket dev server at localhost:8080. The Dockerfile (at src/session-backend/Dockerfile) will be built into a local Docker image.

Then, when you spawn a session backend with a request like so:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/v2/service/my-account/my-service/connect

You'll get back a URL that will look like http://localhost:9090/tYVHfS4PKgufdhwGCnn6LLfAaCo_iAHitbw4Bg8ETjA/. Requests sent to this URL will be routed to your session backend. (You can see an example Dockerfile and NodeJS server in the Quickstart.)

You can replace my-account and my-service in the spawn endpoint with any dummy value. They are ignored in development.
If the Dev CLI appears to be hanging, you may need to clear old Docker containers by running docker system prune -a.

When a session backend starts, you should see it listed in the Dev CLI like so:

Dev CLI screenshot
Built by Jamsocket.