Y-SweetFeaturesReact Hooks

Y-Sweet React Hooks

The Y-Sweet React hooks provide a way to synchronize and update document data within React components. These hooks typically return Y.js shared types, which are similar to standard JavaScript types but offer automatic network synchronization and persistence. Specifically, the useMap, useArray, and useText hooks return Yjs Shared Types (Y.Map, Y.Array, and Y.Text respectively) and automatically subscribe to their changes, triggering re-renders when updates occur.

  • useMap returns a Y.Map object, which maps strings to arbitrary values, similar to a JavaScript object or Map.
  • useArray returns a Y.Array object, which is similar to a JavaScript array.
  • useText returns a Y.Text object, which is similar to a JavaScript string.
  • usePresence returns a JavaScript Map of client IDs -> presence state (i.e. Record<string, any>)
  • usePresenceSetter returns a function that can be used to set the client’s own presence state (i.e. Record<string, any>)
  • useConnectionStatus returns a string representing the status of the connection to the Y-Sweet server (e.g. 'offline', 'connecting', 'error', 'handshaking', or 'connected')
  • useHasLocalChanges returns a boolean representing whether the local YDoc has changes that haven’t been synced with the server yet

In order to use Y-Sweet hooks in a component, it must be a descendant of a <YDocProvider> component.

In the color grid example, we use a map to store the color of each cell in a grid. Similar to a JavaScript Map (but different than a JS object), we use .get() and .set() to read and write values.

Refer to the api reference for more details on how to use the hooks.

Built by Jamsocket.