
A JavaScript/TypeScript library for NodeJS-like environments. It allows you to create ClientTokens for authenticating clients, enabling them to read and write Y-Sweet documents. Additionally, it provides functionality to create and update Y-Sweet documents.


npm install @y-sweet/sdk

The auth endpoint

The Y-Sweet SDK is primarily used when implementing the auth endpoint for your application. This endpoint is used by the YSweetProvider on the client to refresh ClientTokens which authorize the client to read and write to a shared document. If you are using a meta-framework like NextJS or Remix, you can implement this auth endpoint as an API route, or you can use a server framework like ExpressJS or Hono.

Here’s an example of how the auth endpoint might be implemented using NextJS’s Route Handlers:

import { DocumentManager } from '@y-sweet/sdk'
const manager = new DocumentManager(process.env.CONNECTION_STRING)
export async function POST(request: Request) {
  // In a production app, this is where you'd authenticate the user
  // and check that they are authorized to access the doc.
  const { docId } = await request.json()
  const clientToken = await manager.getOrCreateDocAndToken(docId)
  return Response.json(clientToken)


You’ll use the DocumentManager class to create ClientTokens and perform other types of actions like reading and writing documents from the server. The DocumentManager must be instantiated with a connection string (starting with ys:// or yss://).

import { DocumentManager } from '@y-sweet/sdk'
const manager = new DocumentManager(process.env.CONNECTION_STRING)


The getOrCreateDocAndToken function is a convenience method that creates a doc if it doesn’t exist and, when awaited, returns a ClientToken that the client can use to sync its local document with others. You will typically call this method as part of your auth endpoint implementation and return the client token as the auth endpoint’s response body.

import { DocumentManager } from '@y-sweet/sdk'
const manager = new DocumentManager(process.env.CONNECTION_STRING)
export async function POST(request: Request) {
  // In a production app, this is where you'd authenticate the user
  // and check that they are authorized to access the doc.
  const { docId } = await request.json()
  const clientToken = await manager.getOrCreateDocAndToken(docId)
  return Response.json(clientToken)


The createDoc function creates a Y-Sweet doc. If no docId is provided, it will generate one and, when awaited, return it in the DocCreationResult. It is typically recommended to use getOrCreateDocAndToken() instead of this function.


The getClientToken function returns a Promise which, when awaited, returns a ClientToken that authorizes a client to read and write to a shared Y-Sweet document. It is typically recommended to use getOrCreateDocAndToken() instead of this function.


The getDocAsUpdate function, when awaited, returns an entire Y-Sweet document, represented as a Yjs update byte string (in the form of a Uint8Array). This Yjs update byte string can then be turned back into a Yjs document as follows:

import * as Y from 'yjs'
let update = await manager.getDocAsUpdate(docId)
let doc = new Y.Doc()
doc.transact(() => {
 Y.applyUpdate(doc, update)

manager.updateDoc(docId, updateByteString)

The updateDoc function updates a Y-Sweet document with the given Yjs update byte string (in the form of a Uint8Array). This Yjs update byte string can be generated from a Yjs document as follows:

import * as Y from 'yjs'
let doc = new Y.Doc()
// Modify the document...
let update = Y.encodeStateAsUpdate(doc)
await manager.updateDoc(docId, update)


type ClientToken = {
  url: string
  baseUrl: string
  docId: string
  token?: string
type DocCreationResult = {
  docId: string
type YSweetErrorPayload = {
  address: string
  code: "ServerRefused"
  port: number
  url: string
} | {
  code: "ServerError"
  message: string
  status: number
  url: string
} | {
  code: "NoAuthProvided"
} | {
  code: "InvalidAuthProvided"
} | {
  code: "Unknown"
  message: string
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