Y-SweetAPI Reference@y-sweet/react


Library with a React context provider and React hooks for syncing a Yjs Doc.


npm install @y-sweet/react


Wrap the root of your project with a <YDocProvider> component, then descendants can use Y-Sweet’s React hooks: useMap, useArray, useText, usePresence, and usePresenceSetter. The YDocProvider requires a doc ID and an AuthEndpoint as props. It also takes the following optional props:

  • initialClientToken - if provided, it will be used initially instead of fetching a ClientToken from the auth endpoint.
  • showDebuggerLink - shows a link to the Y-Sweet Debugger in the console (defaults to false)
  • warnOnClose - prompt the user when closing the tab if there are unsynced local changes (defaults to false)
import { YDocProvider } from '@y-sweet/react'
export function App() {
  return (
    <YDocProvider docId="my-doc-id" authEndpoint="/api/auth">
      <MyCollaborativeApp />

The AuthEndpoint passed to the YDocProvider is used to fetch a ClientToken that authorizes the client to access the shared document at the provided authorization level (either full or read-only). The AuthEndpoint may either be a string (a full URL or just a path) or an async function that returns a ClientToken. If you are using a meta-framework like NextJS or Remix, you can implement this auth endpoint as an API route, or you can use a server framework like ExpressJS or Hono.

Here’s an example of how the auth endpoint might be implemented using NextJS’s Route Handlers:

  import { DocumentManager } from '@y-sweet/sdk'
  import { NextResponse } from 'next/server'
  const manager = new DocumentManager(process.env.CONNECTION_STRING)
  export async function POST(request: Request) {
    // In a production app, this is where you'd authenticate the user
    // and check that they are authorized to access the doc.
    const { docId } = await request.json()
    const clientToken = await manager.getOrCreateDocAndToken(docId, {
      authorization: 'full' // may also be 'read-only'
    return NextResponse.json(clientToken)


A React hook that returns the Yjs Shared Type Y.Map and rerenders when it is updated. It takes an optional name (a string) to identify it within the Yjs document.

import { useMap } from '@y-sweet/react'
const sharedMap = useMap('my-map')
sharedMap.set('my-field', myValue)


A React hook that returns the Yjs Shared Type Y.Array and rerenders when it is updated. It takes an optional name (a string) to identify it within the Yjs document.

import { useArray } from '@y-sweet/react'
const sharedArray = useArray('my-array')
sharedArray.push([1, 2, 3])
sharedArray.insert(0, [4, 5, 6])
sharedArray.delete(1, 1)


A React hook that returns the Yjs Shared Type Y.Text and rerenders when it is updated. It takes an optional name (a string) to identify it within the Yjs document.

import { useText } from '@y-sweet/react'
const sharedText = useText('my-text')
sharedText.insert(0, 'abc')
sharedText.format(1, 2, { bold: true })


A React hook that returns a JavaScript Map of client IDs to presence info (i.e. Record<string, any>) that have been set with the usePresenceSetter() hook. This hook also subscribes the component to presence changes, triggering a rerender when any client’s presence is updated.

import { usePresence } from '@y-sweet/react'
const presenceMap = usePresence()
for (const [clientId, presence] of presenceMap) {
  // use each client's presence information to render avatars and/or shared cursors


A React hook that returns a function for setting a client’s own presence information, which is a Record<string, any>.

import { usePresenceSetter } from '@y-sweet/react'
const setPresence = usePresenceSetter()
  name: 'my-name',
  color: '#62B4FF',
  cursorX: 100,
  cursorY: 100


A React hook that returns a string representing the status of the connection to the Y-Sweet server. You can learn more about the connection statuses here.

import { useConnectionStatus } from '@y-sweet/react'
const status = useConnectionStatus() // can be 'offline', 'connecting', 'error', 'handshaking', or 'connected'


A React hook that returns a boolean representing whether the local YDoc has changes that haven’t been synced with the server yet.

import { useHasLocalChanges } from '@y-sweet/react'
const status = useHasLocalChanges() // true if there are changes that haven't been synced with the server


A React hook that returns the context’s YSweetProvider.

import { useYjsProvider } from '@y-sweet/react'
const provider = useYjsProvider()


type AuthEndpoint = string | () => Promise<ClientToken>
type ClientToken = {
  url: string
  baseUrl: string
  docId: string
  token?: string
  authorization: 'full' | 'read-only'
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